
ETP Sales and Service

Greater Noida Services

Water is considered as best soluble substance. This is its quality as well the drawback. Due to its soluble quality, it allows all the particles to get dissolved in it. Even harmful impurities and chemicals can be life-threatening if consumed by any living being.

As fast as Greater Noida is developing, the development also brings challenges. The most challenging situation that the residents of Greater Noida face is, getting the supply of clean water for their everyday consumption. The sources from where we get our water at times get mixed with industrial wastewater if left untreated.

Industrial wastewater is a big source of all sorts of deadly chemicals that can threaten humans, animals, and green vegetation.

How to treat industrial wastewater

If science has given us development and industries, it has also provided us with solutions to deal with challenges caused by the industries' wastewater; provided decisions are well-researched and backed by technology.

The Effluent Treatment Plant is such advanced technology which can support wastewater treatment. ETP uses advanced methods to treat industrial wastewater and make it suitable for reuse. With its three-level water treatment process, it eliminates all the toxic chemicals in the water as a result of industrial functioning. This three-level treatment includes separating, disposing and eliminating the pollutant from the contaminated water. This process makes the water suitable for the environment and human consumption.

How to choose a reputable ETP supplier and Service provider in Greater Noida

It is the industry's responsibility to take care of the water getting disposed of from their factories and mixing with water sources. This water is all contaminated with harmful impurities and chemicals which may cause water-borne diseases. While setting up any industry, the owner should have ETP as part of their plan. But before choosing the right kind of supplier and service provider, keep a few points in mind.

  • There are many ETP suppliers and service providers in Greater Noida but do your well-informed research before concluding.
  • Look for top-notch suppliers in the city. The one who is well-versed in all modern and advanced technology
  • Look for suppliers in Greater Noida, who are providing you with the services after the installation of the ETP.
  • Check for the ETP, which can be set up in a minimal space.
  • Compare the prices of all the ETP suppliers in Greater Noida.
  • Check the concurrence with all the latest guidelines set by the government. 
  • The decision of installation should also be based on the amount of wastewater released from your industry and mixed with a kind of chemical. 
  • Last be not least, the ETP supplier should also offer future services in Greater Noida with all updated technologies and spare parts.
  • Look for suppliers who are providing complete transparency in the contract and with no hidden prices.

What kind of industries can opt for ETP?

The Effluent Treatment plants are worthwhile decisions by anyone in the industrial sector, like

  • Leather industry
  • Tanneries
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Textile industry
  • Automobile industry
  • Chemical manufacturing industry
  • Food processing unit

There are many suppliers and service providers in Greater Noida, who are experts in this field and backed by an excellent team, to help you with the treatment of your industrial wastewater, for the reusable purpose and fit for the environment. 


  1. Where can we use ETP water?

The ETP is used by industries to treat their wastewater contaminated by all toxic chemicals and make it suitable for human consumption. 

  1. Which chemical is used in ETP?

The ETP uses many chemicals for the process efficiency. Mainly it uses chemicals including aluminum sulfate, hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, and hydrochloric acid.

  1. How many types of ETP are there?

The main type is Physio-Chemical treatment which is followed by Polishing Treatments like –Sand Filtration, Activated Charcoal treatment (Adsorption), Ozonation (Chemical Oxidation), Ultra Filtration (UF), Reverse Osmosis (RO). 

  1. Which industries need ETP?

The industries whose products are chemically treated or have huge chemical consumption during production, those industries must have ETP. Like the leather industry, Pharmaceuticals, Textile industry, Automobile industry, chemical manufacturing industry, or Food processing unit.

  1. What is the difference between STP & ETP?

STP, a Sewage Treatment Plant, treats wastewater coming from homes, schools, colleges, hospitals, etc.. In contrast, ETP, an Effluent Treatment Plant, is used to treat wastewater from chemical industries like leather, textile, or food processing units.

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